Top hammer drilling tools

Domed Button Bits

As a reaming drilling tools, domed button bits are used when a large diameter is needed to be reamed out after a pilot holes is drilled to a depth.


SINODRILLS Domed Button Bits

Domed button bits as one of the reaming drilling tools are used when a large diameter is needed to be reamed out after a pilot hole is drilled to a depth.


• Thread size: R28, SSR28, R32, SSR32, R35, SSR35, R38, T38, T45, and T51.

• Diameter: 76mm to 152mm.


• Alloy buttons are hot mounted into the drill bit, ensuring the bit good accuracy and durability;

• Reliability ensured by premium drill bit materials and premium alloy button;

• Different types designed for different drilling scenarios and rock conditions;

• High speed and drilling efficiency;

• Cost-effective, good performance with reasonable price.


Drilling works for blasting duties in tunneling, construction, mining, quarrying, etc.

Thread Domed Button Bit

R32 Thread Domed Button Bits


T.C(Tungsten Carbide) ButtonsFlushing HoleAngle


inchGauge x mmFront x mmSideFrontGauge


39 x 131 x 131335°


3 1/214 x 131 x 132235°


416 x 131 x 132235°


518 x 131 x 131335°

Please contact our sales team for more specifications.