Top hammer drilling tools

Fully carburized taper drill rods

Fully-carburized Taper Drill Rod is to increase the surface carbon content of the drill rod through the carburization craft, level up the surface hardness and the overall strength, and increase the service life of the taper drill rod.


Fully carburized taper drill rod

Fully-carburized Taper Drill Rod is to increase the surface carbon content of the drill rod through the carburization craft, level up the surface hardness and the overall strength, and increase the service life of the taper drill rod. Compared with the conventional taper drill rod, Fully-carburized Taper Drill Rod is high in strength and good in abrasive resistance. Under the same industrial and mining, the life of fully-carburized taper drill rods is times of that of the common taper drill rods.

Taper degree: 4°46’, 6°, 7°, 11°, 12°

Shank specification: Hex.19mm, Hex. 22mm, Hex.25mm

Besides the regular drill rod length, our company can customize the product length according to the needs of the client.